As I am sure you are all aware by this point in time, COVID-19 has had a drastic and terminal effect on the Entertainment and Food industries. I have greatly felt the effects of this myself. As you can see from my calendar, all but my Lake City Church gigs have been stripped from me by the virus concerns and government mandates. I will not bore you with personal opinions on the matter or my misgivings about political weaponizing that I feel is occurring. One thing I can say with certainty is that this has put me in a very bad position. I will be attempting to find ways to continue to accomplish my goals while struggling through this “Social Distancing” that we are all burdened with. I will be taking more time to focus on my social media accounts these days, as well as working to update and kick off my revamped channel with fresh content. Please bare with me as I relearn how to operate on minimal means. Thank you all for your patience and support.

Now a bit off topic, as an official endorser for Saluda Cymbals, I will be bringing you loads of content, reviews, demos, and play alongs on my channel and social media. Now would be an excellent time to add me on facebook and instagram (see link icons at the top of the page) and subscribe to my channel, so you are ready when the new content hits! Also be sure to visit and check out their main site, or if you are ready to buy, click on their drumgearonline link to go to the store! Be sure to mention my name so they know who sent you, and get a free gift from me as well, as a thank you! Take care of yourselves, be careful, be kind, and let’s all come out of this together!

– Chris