Full Circle

Today, I have come full circle in my journey with Mapex. My story begins many years ago. In 2001, I had a Pearl Export drumset that I had expanded and upgraded greatly since getting it as a Christmas present from my father in 1994. I had been gigging and recording with a few bands during that time, and felt like I was ready to upgrade to something a bit more professional. I scoured the internet and stores, looking into and trying everything and then I came across Mapex. I had purchased a Pro Steel Snare to replace my original Pearl Steel Snare and loved it, so Mapex was on my radar. The Pro M set that my local Sam Ash had in the store blew my mind. I had saved my money, and had my first credit card, so I bought my first Mapex Pro M in early 2002. It really sounded amazing and took my playing to another level.

That first Mapex Pro M kit in Transparent Cherry finish was there with me when I joined my first original rock band, was in various studio session, was with me when I really became an in demand gigging musician, and really began honing my chops. I had so many great memories with that kit and during that time in my life. I fell on hard times as we often do in our youth and had to sell it in 2005. I felt like I was selling a part of myself. After I got back on my feet, I tried other kits. I got another Export kit and sold it. Tried a Gretsch Catalina Maple, and it was nice, but still couldn’t match the Pro M for me. Finally, in 2009, after my tax returns, I bought one of the last Pro M kits that Mapex made. This time it was Transparent Green and I named it Jade. Jade was everything I had remembered Mapex to be. The great sound, quality, and the suspended floor toms brought it all back for me. Even better than the original Pro M kit! More recordings and a summer tour were put under Jade’s belt and things were great, until the tour ended with little money to show for it.

I became disillusioned with music by the end of summer in 2009 and sold Jade off to a fellow drummer and moved away from the Carolinas. I moved back about 6 months later and realized that I could not get away from who I was. I bought cheap sets used and slowly built up over time. First a no name kit, then a Custom Classic kit, and then after saving for some time, I finally stepped up and bought an Armory kit, and returned to Mapex once again! The Armory kit has been fantastic, and most of you know my Armory Kit “Ember” very well. Ember has been amazing has served me well since 2015, but somewhere, inside, I still missed my Pro M Kit.

Today, that has changed. Today I have come full circle. After years of searching for a Mapex Pro M kit in a color I like, and in good condition, the day has finally arrived. I have just unboxed and set up “Ruby”, a Transparent Cherry Red Pro M kit, just like my original finish, but all maple with the nicer silver badges of the late model Pro Ms! I cannot explain in words the feelings that are racing through me, but I feel like I have finally returned home! The world is not ready for the next evolution of what is in store, now that I am back to 100%! Welcome home Ruby! We have work to do!