The Journey

And so it begins
This is the journey
Another adventure
Whose end is uncertain
This troubled mind can’t be
Bothered to imagine
What set me on this course
And where it will take me
I hope that it’s better
Than where I have been…

So what should I say?
My thoughts could betray me
The actions I’m seen in
Could be mistaken
And though I mean well
Perceptions will vary
The echoes of my life
Don’t often reflect inside
This negativity
Can get carried away

I’m taking my time
As much as is given
I am not in control
But I’ll choose what I can
My dreams are immense
As is my ambition
I will live what I can
And write down the rest
Don’t hold it against me
If nothing is left

It’s not the ending
It’s the Journey
[Where are you going?]

Copyright © 2023 Christopher Michael McKinney. All rights reserved.